715-462-3631 vacation@teallake.com

What kind of Fish does Teal Lake have?


MUSKELUNGE (“MUSKY”) fishing is famous here. The season opens the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend in May. Teal lake has is one of the world’s top producers of legal fish per acre. Minimum legal size for keeping 40″. A true sport, a hunting challenge, musky keeps bringing fishermen back to record ever larger catches, although 95% of the legal catch are released to swim again (see story of Catch and Release – how it started) Guides are available for a full day and half days, to raise your chances of success.

WALLEYE PIKE The season opens early May – BAG LIMIT is 3 for sizes 15-19.9 inches, and 1 for sizes over 24 inches. (per person per day). Sizes between 20-24 inches must be released.

BASS Both Teal & Lost Land Lakes have superb bass fishing. They hide in the rocks around our five islands, Season opens early May.

Large mouth Bass are allowed to be kept during the whole season. The is any size large mouth can be kept and you can keep as many as you want. (new rules to help manage the population of Large mouth Bass.

Small Mouth Bass is CATCH AND RELEASE ONLY through late June, then daily bag limit is 5 of Small-Mouth size: 14 inches.

27290655 – fishing for largemouth bass fish in fresh water

NORTHERN PIKE found their way into these waters in the 1980’s, and the population and size are increasing. Daily bag limit is 5 per person. No Minimum size.

CRAPPIE, Blue Gills, Sun Fish & Perch are plentiful – providing fun for the whole family in summer, and a very decent sackful in the spring and fall. No minimum size.

7141953 – a freshwater sunfish from a pond.

New 2016: This a 25 bag limit for all Pan fish but only 10 of each species can be kept. This is on Quiet lakes chain. Other lakes have different regulations.


Happy Hooker Bait and Tackle Store in only a short drive away (5 minutes) and call supply all other fishing needs including licenses. The Happy Hooker also serves as our corner grocery store. It is worth a stop, if for nothing else so say “I’ve been to the Happy Hooker!’ (they have logo merchandise!)


We always encourage catch and release, but we also have a fish cleaning sink set up if you are bringing something home for dinner! If you are short on equipment, talk to us, we have some extra fishing nets, poles, and minnow buckets sitting around.

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