715-462-3631 vacation@teallake.com

Contact Us

  • wd ext newYou are always welcome to call and speak to a real person, without filling out a form. Please do whichever method is best for you.

    EMAIL: We answer *every* email, but sometimes email goes astray and we don't receive it. If you don't hear from us after emailing us via this form, please email us directly at vacation@teallake.com, or call us.

    TELEPHONE: Call Victoria Ross and get your questions answered today! at 715-462-3631. The reservations desk opens at 8am and closes about 9pm. The phone is answered 24 hours a day because it rings into our personal home, but we do not have reservation information readily available.

    MAILING ADDRESS: Ross' Teal Lake Lodge, 12425 N Ross Rd, Hayward, WI 54843 USA

    PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 20 miles (and minutes) East of Hayward, WI on HWY 77. same as mailing address.

    If you wish to give us detailed information for your vacation, please fill out our online form or download a copy of our info form (click the print icon in the upper right corner under the logo bar), then send it back via email or mail. Or CALL US! We love to speak directly to you so we can get all the details.

    Filling out the short form below is great for quick questions, so feel free to use that as well. We will email you back or call you if you prefer. We will make sure all the details are worked out, and questions answered before finalizing a reservation, but we can put a hold on a specific cabin, while we play telephone/email tag!


    Tim, Prue and Victoria Ross

Call Us!